Latest Technology in Imaging with 3D OCTWe recommend imaging for all of our patients as part of an ongoing ocular health assessment, but especially for those patients who are most at risk of eye conditions such as:
Please let our staff know if you are interested in imaging your eyes. We can even email them to you for your medical records. |
What is an OCT?
OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) is an advanced eye scan for people of all ages. Similar to ultrasound, OCT uses light rather than sound waves to illustrate the different layers that make up the back of your eye. We also capture a digital photograph of the surface of your eye to cross-reference the OCT scan.
Our Topcon 3D OCT is the latest, most advanced technology to view and analyze the retina. More advanced than retinal photography (which can only view the surface of the retina) the OCT enables us to view the individual layers of the retina. The scan is non-invasive, painless, simple and quick.
The OCT scans provide detailed information that can pick up the very earliest signs of glaucoma - damage to the microscopic nerve fibers at the back of your eye. This makes it possible to detect glaucoma before it affects your sight, and indeed before it is detectable using more traditional techniques. This makes OCT the definitive screening tool currently available for this condition.
The OCT also provides us with highly useful information about other parts of your eye. For example, it is capable of detecting small areas of swelling that can occur at the back of your eye in macular degeneration, as well as any small retinal holes, tears or cysts that may be present.
Our Topcon 3D OCT is the latest, most advanced technology to view and analyze the retina. More advanced than retinal photography (which can only view the surface of the retina) the OCT enables us to view the individual layers of the retina. The scan is non-invasive, painless, simple and quick.
The OCT scans provide detailed information that can pick up the very earliest signs of glaucoma - damage to the microscopic nerve fibers at the back of your eye. This makes it possible to detect glaucoma before it affects your sight, and indeed before it is detectable using more traditional techniques. This makes OCT the definitive screening tool currently available for this condition.
The OCT also provides us with highly useful information about other parts of your eye. For example, it is capable of detecting small areas of swelling that can occur at the back of your eye in macular degeneration, as well as any small retinal holes, tears or cysts that may be present.